In light of the global Corona virus pandemic, the New York Governor’s State of Emergency declaration, the local diagnosis of COVID – 19, the Potentate of the Damascus Shriners has ordered that ALL Damascus Shrine activities be suspended for the period of one month, beginning today.
This includes the Spring Sportsman’s Raffle, which will be held at a later date, and the April Meeting.
There will be no exceptions.
In that our membership comprises some at – risk populations, and given the uncertainty surrounding members’ travel status, the Potentate feels, out of an abundance of caution, that this is the prudent course of action.
The situation will be reassessed after one month’s time. Please watch your email and our Face Book page for the latest information.
Kenneth R. Milner
Jerry W. Lack
Potentate 2020
Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door
Spring Sportsman Raffle @ Damascus Shriners
This year there are 22 chances to win, we added a pair of crossbows to mix it up. Additional 23rd chance available only the day of the event. 23rd Henry Big Boy 45-70 only available at the door.
Big Meats & 50-50 Raffles all afternoon.
Hots, Hamburgers, Sausage, salad, Beer and Pop included